The Seventh Commandment (No Adultery)

Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Ex 20:14, Lev 18:20)

Marriage is a Sacred Union between a Man and a Woman

Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. (Ge 2:20-24)

As "one flesh", marriage is not a casual or transitory relationship.

Marriage is to be Based on Love, Rather than Obligation

Marriage is to be based on love, rather than obligation. (Eph 5:25, Eph 5:22)

The love between husband and wife is patterned after the love within the Godhead. (Ge 1:26,27, 1Jn 4:8)

Note that harmony of will and joyful obedience are forms of love. (Jn 4:34, Jn 5:30, Jn 6:38, Jn 8:29)

Divorce is the Unnatural Death of a Marriage Relationship.

Divorce is the unnatural death of a marriage relationship. (Mt 19:4-6)

Divorce carries with it lifelong consequences for the formerly married persons. (Dt 24:1-4, Lk 16:18)

Divorce carries with it lifelong consequences for the children.

God Hates Divorce

God hates divorce. (Mal 2:13-16)

Adultery is the Only Justification for Divorce

Adultery is the only justification for divorce. (Jer 3:6-8, Mt 5:31,32, Mt 19:3-9 (compare Dt 24:1), Mk 10:4-12)

Note: Fornication by a married person is adultery.

A justification is not an obligation.

Foregiveness is always a possible Godly response. (Jer 3:12-14)

Think about the children.

Remarriage after the Death of a Spouse is not Adultery

Remarriage after the death of a spouse is not adultery. (Ro 7:2,3)

Lust is Adultery

Lust is adultery. (Mt 5:27,28, 2Pe 2:14)

Examples: (Ge 39:7-9, 2Sa 11:1-4)

Prevention of lust is assisted by modest dress that does not inflame the passions of others. (1Ti 2:9,10)

Marriage is able to Protect against Lust

Marriage is able to protect against lust. (Pr 18:22, 1Co 7:2, 1Co 7:8,9)

Marriage partners are to regularly come together intimately. (1Co 7:3-5, Pr 5:18,19, Heb 13:4)

We are to Marry only another Believer

Prevention of adultery begins with a husband and wife who both follow Jesus. (2Co 6:14-17)

However, an unbelieving spouse is not a reason for divorce. (1Co 7:10-16, 1Pe 3:1,2)

We are to have a Spiritual Marriage Relationship with Jesus

We are to have a spiritual marriage relationship with Jesus. (Isa 54:5, Mt 22:1-14, Mt 25:1-13, 2Co 11:2, Eph 5:22-33, Rev 19:7-9, Rev 21:1-3,9-11)

In this spiritual marriage, we are to obey God out of love, rather than obligation. (Jn 14:15, 1Jn 5:3)

God does not cherish vows that are external and compulsary. (Ex 19:1-8, Ex 24:3,7, Dt 5:27, Ro 9:30-32) (compare Jer 11:6-8, Jer 31:32, Heb 8:7-9)

God cherishes true love that comes from the heart. (Jer 31:31,33, Eze 11:19,20, Heb 8:6, Heb 8:10 compare 2Co 3:3, Heb 10:16)

God cherishes a relationship wherein we humbly invite Jesus to live in us and through us. (Jer 23:6, Jn 15:4,5, Ro 5:17-19, 2Co 5:20,21, Gal 2:20, Php 1:11, Php 3:9)

Spiritual Adultery is the Violation of our Relationship with God

Spiritual adultery is the violation of our relationship with God. (Jer 3:1-9,20, Eze 16:1-32, Eze 23:37, Mal 2:11, Rev 2:18-24)

God does not Divorce

God does not divorce His unfaithful people, rather it is they who divorce Him. (Isa 50:1, Hos 2:19)

In spite of their adultery, God mercifully calls for His unfaithful people to return to Him. (Isa 55:7, Jer 3:10-14)

God's most powerful, pleading call is the sacrifice of His Son. (Jn 12:32,33)

Those who continue to reject Jesus, continue to stand beyond God's reach. (Mt 23:37-39, Lk 13:34,35, Mt 10:32,33, Mk 3:28,29)

God is Faithful

God is faithful. (Ps 36:5, Ps 89:1, Ps 119:90, Isa 25:1, La 3:22,23, Mt 28:18-20, Ro 8:35-39, 1Th 5:23,24, Rev 1:5, Rev 19:11-13)

The Punishment for Disobedience is Death

The punishment for disobedience is death. (Ge 20:1-7, Lev 20:10, Dt 22:22, Pr 6:27-35, Jer 5:7-11, Eze 33:23-27, Gal 5:19-21, Ro 6:23, Jas 2:10)

Note that God made provisions to judge secret adultery. (Nu 5:12-31)

As our substitute, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. (Isa 53:6, Jn 1:29, Eph 5:2, Heb 7:27, 1Jn 1:7, Jn 8:3-11)

The 7th Commandment Proclaims Intimacy in our Relationship with our Spouse

The 7th commandment proclaims intimacy in our relationship with our spouse. (Eph 5:31)

The 7th Commandment Proclaims Intimacy in our Relationship with God

The 7th commandment proclaims intimacy in our relationship with God. (Jn 17:3, Jn 17:20,21)

The 7th Commandment Proclaims Loyalty to our Spouse

The 7th commandment proclaims loyalty to our spouse. (Tit 2:11,12)

The 7th Commandment Proclaims Loyalty to God

The 7th commandment proclaims loyalty to God. (Heb 10:23)

The 7th Commandment Protects the Family

The 7th commandment protects the family. (Mal 2:15)

The 7th Commandment Protects the Church

The 7th Commandment Protects the Church. (Eph 5:25-27)

Thou shalt not commit adultery.